Friday, December 30, 2005

Year-end Chuva

Because I am not so busy today, here I am again pretending to have something to do.

What did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before?
Attend court hearings

Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't make new year's resolutions. Never did.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not really close. My childhood friend's sister. I didn't even know she already gave birth.

Did anyone close to you die?
Some neighbors. Still, that was sad.

What countries did you visit?
I did not even leave Cebu this year.

What would you like to have in 2006 that you lacked in 2005?
An mp3?

What date from 2005 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
When my phone was robbed! 'cause I was so danghag that night.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?Making it through the year with my sanity still in place?

What was your biggest failure?
I have not accomplished something that should have been done before Christmas.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nope! But if you're trying to say... headaches, colds, insomia...I have loads of them.

What was the best thing you bought?
my cd man

Whose behavior merited celebration?
Ask me later

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
some people whom I recently came to know they behaved like real friends but let them be without you...THEY'LL EAT YOU ALIVE!

Where did most of your money go?
transpo (grr!) and to my family

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
When i did something really nasty...and looked forward to the results.

What song(s) will always remind you of 2005?
Actually lots..but as of now, kelly clarkson's because of you still rocks.

Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? I dunno
ii. thinner or fatter? where does dako tiyan fall?
iii. richer or poorer? Poorer

What do you wish you'd done more?Sleep

What do you wish you'd done less of?
Caring for people who did not even bother to spend a single peso to answer your inquiry thru sms.

How many one-night stands?

What was your favorite TV program?
Jewel in the Palace

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Some people have disappointed me but I don't hate them. I just wish they'd all go to hell (just kidding!).

What was the best book you read?
Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince

What was your greatest musical discovery?
I still have to learn how to play the keyboard, and that'll be my greatest musical discovery (if in case I'll really learn).

What did you want and get?
a clamshell phone (however you say flips)

What was your favorite film of this year?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I attended a media forum the whole morning and wrote my stories in the afty. I was a year older.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Having my own internet connection at home (I still have to have a pc).

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005?
comfy...jeans and T-shirt and sneakers

What kept you sane?
The thought that I still have so many bills to pay

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Enrique Iglesias/Mark Nelson and Amanda Griffin

What political issue stirred you the most?

Who did you miss?
My childhood friends

Who was the best new person you met?
This year? J, a fellow justice beat reporter

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005:
Trying to please all the people just won't make you any good, well, to them! So I'll never try to commit that same mistake again. Never!

What was the nicest thing someone told you about yourself:
Nah! Wa jud tawn!

The most touching experience you've had this year?
When we treated 48 indigent kids to a Christmas party.

What did you like most about yourself this year?
I have become more outspoken. I know most people hate me for being such but heck, this is me!

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Unti-unting mararating, kalangitan at bituin...(wahaha, I told you I'm a Jewel...addict)

Was 2005 a good year for you?
I dunno

What was your favorite moment of the year?
When I went to Gary Lao's ancestral house to see his aunt's collection of antique stuff.

What was your least favorite moment of the year?
when i was invited to a birthday party and instead of having fun and all I was, instead, trying to contain the shame of being a shitty guest bec the celebrant and her friends sneaked into her room for their li'l party. imagine sa akong kalagot! But noh, i don't hate but never will I forget. That was actually the first!

Where were you when 2005 began?Outside the house watching the display of fireworks.

Who were you with?
my family

Where will you be when 2005 ends?
at home

Who will you be with when 2005 ends?
My family

Do you have a new year's resolution for 2006?
No. I can't follow it anyway.

What was your favorite month of 2005?
December (bonus!)

Did you lose anybody close to you in 2005?
Death, you mean? God no! But another close friend left for Lebanon.

How many concerts did you see in 2005?
Bamboo's, joe mari's, I think that's all.

Did you drink a lot of alchohol in 2005?
No. But if you combine all those tiny sips I made the whole year that'll be like a glassful. But I'm trying to learn, mind you. a lot of drugs in 2005?
For headaches (every other day), colds (sometimes), cough (just very recently), hyperacidity (always), shabu (soon)

You did anything shameful this year?
I can't remember (thank God!)

How much money did you spend in 2005?
Like 22 million? I'm not good in Mathematics actually.

What was your proudest moment of 2005?
When I made it to The Freeman Foundation (mabaw!).

If you could go back in time to any moment of 2005 and change something, what would it be?
I'd go back to the night when I hailed a PUJ and sat beside a woman who took away my phone without my permission. I could have asked a friend to fetch me at the office so we could go together to that darned send-off party. But I don't cry over spilt milk, swear.

What are your plans for 2006?
Have a real vacation somewhere outside Cebu. S*#$% I never had that this year!

How are you different now that the year has ended?
I know better the people around me. I think I'll save my trust to the very chosen ones. Where the hell are you?.

What are your wishes for the new year?
That I'd get more rest... and more real friends.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Santa Claus: gotta go pips!

The two-day rest is over. But there’s still another round of it this weekend.

Neways, I was so glad the kids’ party last Christmas eve was successful. There were over 50 in attendance but those who did not make were still given their gifts, which consisted of some toys and some candies, chocolates, mallows, wafers, corn chips, etc.

Before I had my childhood friends who helped me with it. Actually, it used to be a group project but since most of them are already working abroad (and could no longer be contacted for some reasons) the task was left to me. I think it is more of a commitment to these kids, who for the last years have multiplied exponentially, are expecting from me every Christmas. Hmp! Mura ta’g datu ani da, may nalang nay mga fwens nga buotan. Tenks to Sir Rolex (the most friendly editor on earth), Wennagirl, Jasmin, Cristina, Sona, Jonald, Ate Brenda, Atty. Mitchelle, Gary Lao, Joy B. and some friends back home. I love you all!

One of the games, I asked those 2 year olds who would be celebrating His birthday when 12 mn struck. One baby boy, Third, said “Ako!” (it was not his birthday, obviously!) Then, another kid, Hyacinth, said “Kuya!” I thought she was gonna add “Jesus” but she said “Van-van.” Of course, her older bro is Carl Van. Hmp! No one won but I had to give them chocolates and lollipops because they would not go back to their seats.

And then it was the singing contest. A five-year-old girl sang the Panday theme song and everyone was singing along. I first heard that song from the indigent kids, whom we treated to an early Christmas party last December 10. I had to ask someone what that song was.

It’s really amazing how these young people could memorize Tagalog songs (Pinoy Ako tops the list). I wish these soap operas would also use English songs so their knowledge of this foreign language would improve, even a bit.

When I asked the same group of kids, the 2-year-olds if they could render me a Christmas song. And this Hyancinth started singing “oh..ah..woah.” and ventured unto the lyrics, although haltingly, of the Panday song. He-he-he to you li’l kid!

Whew! We wrapped it up at past 7pm so we could all attend the 9pm mass.


The whole Christmas day was raining. I was inside the house the entire day eating whatever’s on the fridge. It was cold that I had fallen asleep twice, one at noon and another on late afternoon. I was supposed to go to Poblacion, my native land and where those kids are living, to see people coming by carrying loads of gifts.

But I had no choice as I could not walk in the streets carrying umbrella just to see those people! So Christmas was spent listening to my new CD (thanks to Phoebe) of which cuts include “God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You,” “This I Promise You” (English and Spanish versions), and a hundred more songs from way back when.

As of this time, I’m still not over with Kelly Clarkson’s Because of You that I have this habit of replaying it thrice in a row. Sagdi lang matagbaw ra pud ko, pohon.

That was not such a bad Christmas. But of couse, there's no such thing as a bad Christmas. I remember Fr. Tajanlangit, our parish priest, in his homily, who said we should not compare this year’s Christmas to last year’s or next as it is the “now” that is important and that is what we have, thus, we are stuck to it, I mean we should celebrate it in whatever way we can.

And now it has become a past, too. New Year na pud!

(Lesson learned: beer makes a good remedy for headaches.)

Friday, December 23, 2005

Party sa tah!

In the background are my officemates singing in the videoke. It’s already two days before Christmas and we’re still here at the newsroom, and although we have work today we had it done before noon so that by nightime everyone was ready to party.

Party, that is! We had a videoke, as I said earlier, hauled here at the top floor of The Freeman building. And of course, we had food, as in loads of it. I’m actually near it right now but I’m already full or I would have been filling my stomach with two types of pasta. One of which I called Cheetos crunchy as it really looks that cruncy version of my favorite junkfood, although this one is, of course, not crunchy. But it’s tasty, nonetheless.

I’ll be going home with loads of goodies, half of which I bought for my “kids” and the other half were prizes I won or took (hahaha). I was the head of the prize committee, so I had all the chances of doing this petty crime (*hush). Chocolates, and more chocolates, I can’t wait. Hehehe.

This is actually our last day here before we all go home for the Christmas holiday. This is one of those few occasions where we get to really rest. I’m looking forward to watching movies, well, on Christmas day itself. I still have to give the party I promised to my little neighbors on Christmas eve. And afterwhich, the vacation will be all to myself. Yum yum!

I think we’ll have a videoke in my friend’s place on the eve, too. We did that the past years, and although we finished at almost daytime the next day it was still fun. Whatever is instore for me this Christmas I’ll gladly embrace but if I had to sleep the day away, well, that’d be a welcome retreat.

My feelings? Uhm…still the same. Although there’s a little bit of that Christmas spirit now.

Heck! I’ll still be merrying this holiday. This only comes once a year.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

An evening with Jose Mari Chan

Nope! I did not go out with him (halleeer!) yeah, I know I’m over reacting (or am I?). seriously, I had such a grand time last night while listening to the voice and the jokes (I kid you not!) of Jose Mari Chan. Physically, he’s not that attractive but give him the mic and you’ll forget your name.

I’m sure it’s a common knowledge not only in the Philippines how great this man as a singer (and probably as a person, who knows) is. But you’ll really run out of words to describe his voice, I mean when you sit just a few meters away from him and watch him sing his famous compositions, it’s like you want to fall in love with just anybody in sight (glad, I was seated next to a child).

It’s really his magical voice. That I oftentimes forgot who I was in the middle of a theater slash concert venue. I even forgot I had not taken my dinner that night. Well, thanks to the twit and calamity girl for the food trip early that afty that the mere thought of stuffing anything into my mouth was nauseating. I mean thanks to King Kong for filling up all five cinemas!

But, the 2-hour date with Joe Mari capped my very long day. He was such a performer and a JOKER! Yeah, in between songs he would crack a joke or two. A very talented musician with a sense of humor, yum! But his wife was there, too. Damn!

I still did not feel Christmas-sy that night (until now) but I was thinking it was a good Christmas gift for myself even if I did not buy the ticket (naw, I wouldn’t have bought it myself! Sooo mahal!).

Now, when I imagine him singing those Christmas songs I want to sit down at a dark and silent corner and feel the music seeps through me and completely forget I have work to do. I wish I could.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A Day With The Indigent Kids

The smiles, the giggles, I will never forget. And I'm sure so will the indigent kids, to whom that day was dedicated.

The Freeman Foundation, in which I am a new member of (*grin), last Saturday treated 48 indigent kids to an early Christmas party in Family Park, Talamban.

Those kids were handpicked from the different parts of Cebu City and outside it.

Dubbed as Adopt an Angel: A Christmas Gathering of Street Children, the foundation with its 20 members gave those kids truly enjoyable moments, that would definitely be etched in their young minds. That was actually the target of the event.

As early as 6 in the morning that day, the kids who come from Minglanilla, Talisay City, Mambaling, and other parts of Cebu City, gathered at TF administration building where they were served their breakfast.

And before they were brought to the party place, we, acting as their mommies and daddies for the day, garbed each of them with a white T-shirt and a pair of red short pants. They looked really cute in their "uniform."

At the wide playing field of Family Park the fun began. We grouped them into four: bird, cow, cat, and dog for the parlor games: coin relay, sack race, tug of war, among many others. And we were the "active" facilitators. It was exhausting but fun. If someone in the group dreamed of becoming a grade school teacher I'm sure that dream died instantly. What an "extraordinary" job grade school teachers have. Pardon us if not one of us want to be extraordinary.

After giving them their prizes and gifts, as in loads of them, we sent them home (I mean the drivers). Some of them left a good portion of their Jollibee lunch for their mothers (makahilak sad ta).

The kids’ smiles as they brought with them the gifts and the newly-acquired experience were so wide. Seeing them so happy with what they just went through was like "Yo! We did it!"

And because we did it successfully we treated ourselves to a relaxing weekend in a beach resort in Argao .

Actually, we went there to plan for the next year's projects, which include tree planting (pak-pak!) and mostly visits to home cares and children's hospital.

Hahay....exhausting but rewarding.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Humbugger? Never!

I'm no humbugger.

Yeah, I’ve written here in my previous post, It’s almost Christmas, about my being “not so excited” for the coming Christmas. But I did not mean to say I hate Christmas and things about it.

I’m just not up to rejoicing. Maybe soon.

I think I’m tired.

But I’m working hard to boost any Christmas spirit left in me.

Tomorrow, I’ll be joining TF Foundation’s activity, the Christmas party for the street kids. I am not a member of the foundation but when I heard about this event I forcibly enjoined myself to be among those who will clothe and feed and have fun with these unfortunate children.

Let’s see if it won’t do me any “good.”

Or else I’ll be a complete numb!

But really, I am no humbugger. Please…..

Saturday, December 03, 2005

It's almost Christmas

(Edited)And i still don't feel it.

This is probably one Christmas when even hearing the Christmas songs being played over the radio or in tha mall isn't that exciting anymore. I don't know.

Last night I attended my first Christmas party but apart from the little joy I derived from the games the host was providing us, there was not a flicker of happiness I used to feel when Christmas was just a few weeks away.

In the office, they set up a big Christmas tree to remind us Christmas is just around the corner. I don't need to be reminded. I am actually preparing for the Christmas party I always give to my little neighbors. This activity used to excite me but I don't know what has gotten into me these days.

At home, there are no Christmas decors, yet. But I already see bottles of red wine for the party in the neighborhood on Christmas eve. At least, the rest of my family does not share my feelings right now.

This is really strange. I don't want Christmas to go without my enjoying it.

Christmas shopping won't work for me. I hate shopping. I'm just sooo lazy to move from one rack or shelf to another, and with so many people around, no way!

Except for a pair of "damaged" jeans, I don't need anything else for myself as Christmas gift. I can even let this season pass even without my having had to purchase such "gift."

I'll be having my day-off tomorrow. Maybe a Christmas movie, a funny one, will help me deal with this stupid depression (whatever!) I have here.

Yati na ni!