Monday, April 23, 2007


Nesperennub, a Theban priest buried around 2800 years ago and now a resident of the British Museum, has undergone a CT-scan at a London hospital...

3D images of Nesperennub show that, very unusually, he was mummified with a shallow, irregular-shaped bowl on his head. The bowl, it was later on found out, was actually part of the embalmers' working equipment. It was placed on the head to catch run-off resin, and had hardened unexpectedly quickly, cementing the bowl firmly to the skull. There are signs of attempt to remove it. However, the embalmers just decided to leave it there, and carry on with the wrapping of the body, hoping that their mistake would pass unnoticed. Which it did...for nearly three thousand years.


jute said...

Mam, you really have a mummy fetish noh? XD

vatski said...

di masyado. ;)