Sunday, April 22, 2007

the Harry Potter mania continues

There’s always a kid in every one of us (I for one is a big example, but duh!), and it’s quite funny when we let our “little” selves come out in the open once in a while, without reservations. At our office, where “respected” individuals congregate after a day of foraging for bits and pieces of stories to be fed to the public the next day, I am not a bit surprised that there are also (big) kids there. Including some “big” people, my bosses (but there are also those who frown most of the time, and these are what we call losers). And their being kids are so apparent especially when they are so excited about a thing or happening (and it's actually what makes it an exciting place to stopover at despite the heat inside because our aircon units are so wonderful! they just don't want to work anymore.). Like what is going on these past few days, one of the people there got a copy of the much-awaited Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book (exactly! The book 7 of the famous HP series), and of course, she passed it around to everyone (which is almost half of the entire population in the office) who loves HP. And this blogger was just fortunate enough to be sent one (I swear, I really screamed when I learnt of this news). Oh, you just can imagine the hype at the office when each HP lover has the ecopy stored in his/her computer. After reading a few chapters (i dunno how they manage to do it while doing the real work. haha! because in my case, i write before anything else. beleb et or nowt!), there’s this sharing of information of what they had read so far and blah blah blah…One reader, who had the copy first, was even quick to inform the mob that she found the story “weird” and “Rated R” because Harry has actually had sex with some girl (uy!), and other mushy stuff in it. And while she was explaining this to us, one workmate/reader was covering her ears and asked if could just hold it because she wanted to read the story herself. I also wanted to know it myself but I just could not help, with the excitement and all, who could.

Then suddenly, the provider of that ecopy told us what she first gave us is not the real version, and it’s not even complete. Nyi! And added, since she had already read part of the “real” version, some good stuff of the story like who dies here, et cetera, et cetera. Oh, how I love my workmates!

So since my other workmate found the first version weird, I stopped reading it and jumped to the “real” one (so we could compare in the end which story is really by JKR or neither one. syet! Haha!). And interestingly, what I’m reading has the JKR style or so I believe. But I really think this is the real one, as so far, the plot is keeping me glued to it (I slept well past 1am last night without realizing it was already that late), the kind JKR would give to her readers. Char!

And while I’m finishing the book, my workmate, at her end, is also engrossed with the incomplete version (I will be reading it too after this one), and we exchange via SMS what we’ve read so far in the hopes of trying to figure out which is real or not. Mine is real, I think. And she thinks, hers is too. Aahh…but whatever, everyone is really going crazy by these two versions. What if these are all fake? Then, we will just be OMG-ing! But I like my fake version, if ever. And if ever the real version is really not in our hands YET, the writer of this book is great, and since the 7th installment is the last, I hope there would be more writers to come to write fake HP books to let it live forever. Because there is just no reason why it cannot!
I am so partial, and so smiling. :)

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