Saturday, April 22, 2006

Problem solved. Not really

Okay, someone already taught me how to copy-paste that French text I've been crazy about. Thanks to the IT specialist a.k.a. rugby boy, Jute the problem was solved. I could not contain my happiness (char!) when I saw before my very eyes the English translation of the book. But, before my brain could notice I was actually in that state frustration sneaked its way to the frontseat of my heart (waaaah...balak na ni!) when in that almost the same instant I learned that that entire text was just a part of the book. I wanted to cry, but no, God is watching (aw, ang boss diay!). A teaser!!! Gggrrrrr...

The book, as published in the papers, tells how those tons of gold (part of Yamashita's vast treasure, interesting enough, aint it?) were discovered from that mountain. And things that talk about treasure maps, Imelda Marcos, World War II remnants, and so many others about the past. Yeah, I love old things (you've probably known that by now if you've been reading my blog. okay, you don't read, get out!!), antiques, gold bars, mummies, the Marcoses, and adventures.

Getting the real book would surely not be a problem. The problem is how to read it. It's French! And all I know is "Parlez vous français?" (i'm not even sure if that's how you say it, duh!). I cannot (and will not) for the life of me MANUALLY copy each word from the book to be translated online. That's just not me! I can wait for a pirated copy of it in some website (*fingers crossed). Or this craziness would be over soon before I knew it, I hope.



jute said...

Mam, where do you get these things? Pangitai daw ko ug A Kingdom of Dreams by Judith McNaught....

vatski said...

exclusive raman to sa author mam. pero u can try this link:

feebee said...

mmmm... mcnaughtized ang mama :P

jute said...

Yeah ma. Pero duha ra ka stories ako ganahan niya: Paradise and A Kingdom of Dreams. Luod ang uban.