Thursday, March 30, 2006

this friend must have a feeling someone somewhere is not happy tonight

It's almost 12 midnight, I'm at a cafe near Chong Hua Hospital. Adjacent is the videoke room, where a friend is taking a rest to regain her consciousness. Nope, she did not knock herself out. Okay, a few bottles of Red Horse actually did it. With an empty stomach even pro drinkers would really feel the toll. She used to drink more than 2 bottles of beer before and could go home in one piece. But tonight she was puking all over. She almost slept with her puke. Hay!

I wish she'd be OK real soon, it's already late.


While this friend was romancing with her puke at the sink (yucky jud! hehe) I visited the Supreme Court's website to check on the results of the 2005 Bar exams. It took me several minutes to download the results, but I already knew before then that my friend/colleague did not make it. I still continued the task believing (and praying real hard) that her name was still somewhere in the cyberspace still to pop up in that site. That was a hopeless case, though. Passed or not, she is still my attorney. Hmp!

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