Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Mother Teresa

"I have never been in a war before, but I have seen famine and death. I was asking (myself), `What do they feel when they do this?' I don't understand it. They are all children of God. Why do they do it? I don't understand."

Acceptance of Nobel Peace Prize, 1979 "I choose the poverty of our poor people. But I am grateful to receive (the Nobel) in the name of the hungry, the naked, the homeless, of the crippled, of the blind, of the lepers, of all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared-for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone."

On giving love till it hurts * `He (Christ) died for you and for me and for that leper and for that man dying of hunger and that naked person lying in the street not only of Calcutta, but of Africa, and New York, and London, and Oslo - and insisted that we love one another as he loves each one of us. And we read that in the Gospel very dearly - love as I have loved you - as I love you - as the Father has loved me, I love you - and die harder the Father loved him, he gave him to us, and how much we love one another, we, too, must give each other until it hurts. It is not enough for us to say: I love God, but I do not love my neighbour..


She died Sept 5, 1997, but she still lives. A few weeks go, I came across some articles about her, I read them, of course, and I felt know how it feels when someone tells you you forget to put on your pustiso? I don't wear one, and no one has ever told me that. But a few weeks ago, it was like that. I mean...whoa!

I wanna go out too, like she did, and find my life's meaning.

She never fails to touch hearts. I never knew I still had one, until I knew her.


wengkat said...

u try to emulate mother theresa dear, u might end up caƱonized (instead of canonized). joke. :)

vatski said...

hahaha! cge ba, exciting man ngali na :D