Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Die now, die tomorrow, same die, you know.

President Arroyo just signed a law abolishing the death penalty. The lives of the death convicts are now spared. Or are they?

A few days before she signed that bill, five inmates of Bagong Buhay Rehabilitaion Center died from electrocution. No, not in the electric chair. The cell, where these five were housed, got in contact with a live wire that killed them.

Convicts, of whatever crimes, are not actually spared from death after all. Those who died were not even sentenced to die, but they did.

Getting zapped by live wire while sleeping is just among the many things Filipino inmates are facing while being "rehabilitated." The live ones, while serving their term or worse, waiting for their sentence to be carried out, are facing these problems. Let's name some: food poisoning, riots, and diseases. This is how our country "rehabilitates" the criminals and the suspected criminals.

So are the death convicts thankful for such move? I cannot know.

But, one thing is for sure, either they will eventually die while serving their terms or they will still die when they come out from the rehabilitation centers. Especially when they are in Cebu. We have vigilantes here, everyone knows that.

So good luck. Die now, die tomorrow, same die, you know.

But, at least I've got an ipod shuffle already. Good grief yeah.


just click: mydatewithjc.blogspot.com and you'll know why.

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