Friday, February 17, 2006

Sogod anywhere

Right now, I don’t know what I’m feeling. Minutes ago I was kind of excited (mixed with apprehension) after our news ed told me to go to Sogod, that’s at least 2 hours north of Cebu City. I love tavelling even though I had no idea what was I to do there. I was told there was a rebel encounter in the mountain part of the area and I was like “Yahoo!” Never had that kind of experience yet. While someone said there was a landslide or an earthquake that destroyed classrooms. At least with that one there were no flying bullets.

Clueless I still agreed. Trabaho gud. But what if it was really a dangerous “mission” I was to cover. Anyway, I had nothing to lose. :P

Real worries: I had 2 stories to write on top of this breaking news. Since Sogod is very far away I’d surely get back at past deadline. They’d wait, no question about that; but I just could not write three stories when I'd be exhausted and all.

To ease that little burden, while I was waiting for the driver at the other building I started composing my other story using our HRD's (friend's) computer. And voila! Before we could start our journey the newsroom phoned me to tell me that it was not actually Sogod, Cebu. Sogod, Southern Leyte diay!

Grrr! and wooooh at the same time. Everyone was actually laughing when I got back at the newsroom.

I already knew about that incident in Leyte. A fellow reporter told me that on my way to the office. I just did not know it was in Sogod. Good thing the driver was late.

Excitement was gone. Back to the real world: writing that two stories (I’m not done with the other one yet as of this posting. I’m bored and when I am I blog.)

Anyway, they finally agreed to send someone there. I was already out of the question, got another assignment tomorrow. It would have been great to see the place, and feel the sorrow (yeah!). We have so many tragedies, I’ve become so numb.

I really don’t know why I’m feeling drained, it must have been from the aborted laag and I’m just too tired to argue. That’s another Grrr to the nth power!

Or I think I’m just hungry.

I’m off!

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