Thursday, October 04, 2007

stupid racial slur

People from other countries, especially from the first world, are not crazy about us--Filipinos. In Italy, OFWs there are treated like dirt. In France, if a Filipino woman gets into a boutique, for example, there is always the shop's guard tailing her. To the Americans, we are only good as mail-order brides. Thank you very much!

Teri Hatcher of Desperate Housewives has joined the list, by the way. Who can ever forget her line in the show's fourth season's premier episode: "..can I check those diplomas because I want to make sure that they're not from some med school in the Philippines." Don't forget that, please.

Seriously, it was not funny at all. It's stupid! Imagine what will happen to America if all the Filipino nurses, doctors, and medtechs working there will go back home? Now, you better think harder before making a jab at us. But you are all idiots, how can you think!


Winter said...

she could've avoided the issue when she refused to deliver the line... too bad, she's stupid as her character.

Anonymous said...

Very sad! Well, I guess ma-aware pud ang tanan people that Filipinos are dominating the medical world... Makuyawan sila!

chase / chubz said...

damn them racist..
that's why i promised myself to become a somebody in the future so that they can kiss my ass. heheh

vatski said...

mao jud rhey. pinoy ra man sad siguro kamao motan-aw og utang kabubut-on sa?

uy chase, i like that! go gurl! :D

vatski said...

i dont know about the show bec i dont watch it, but i so agree with u, tonskie.