Thursday, October 25, 2007
Then came another change. I was given a new assignment, to another destination that I never imagined would come to me one day. Pfft! But of course, there's always the challenge there. I'm even liking it now, got tired with the old one that I have been for almost two years, so it's like it's about time a change like this must come, and whether or not I like it. So there, and after more than a week in this new beat, I think we're tight already. My partner wengkat has been so helpful, salamat, dear. Ug sa free Tiwi ug Happy mani ni Tomas everyday. LOL!
And in three weeks' time we'll be moving out again. Yay! Arckkk...But I'm good, I think I'm used to it already like whatever! I did not even unpack most of my things for this eventual move, and I'm not even trying to warm myself up in the new place bec I know the stay is just temporary. What's exciting though is the fact that I’m just a stone’s throw away from my friends’ houses, one of my room’s windows is even fronting to my childhood friend’s--even if the prick insisted I should not claim that room mine because we are just renting the house, but duh, she just hates it when I’m always around, a regular bwisitor to their house always asking for alms, which used to be a once-a-week stunt prior to the transfer. But those were the days, magdusa ka! hehehe...And the other friend, well, I just go to their place in the morning, and in the evening, to eat! Tipid! I love it in Poblacion bec everyone there "loves" me. ;)
Anyway, unimaginable or not, we'll be carting all those things again like we were born to do it every now and then. Because, fyi, this is the ninth time that this family has transferred from one place to another, and it seems like it never ends. Just as well because I don't intend to live for too long in the supposed last stop we're making. I'm like that, I want to be a neighbor of everyone who lives in every nook and corner of Talisay kay naa koy plano magpulitiko puhon. Syaro!
So, change, I just hope you'd get us to Europe one day, then back. And give me that job I've been dreaming of. Well?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
my desktop

here's what can be seen in my desktop, as tagged by daizuke. nothing much in there actually, just the plain and simple desktop of an ordinary pc. so if you were expecting to see my nude photo plastered here, dream on.
that's ade there occupying it like she uses it too. she was a neighbor slash anak-anakan ng bayan. :) she used to be a regular visitor of the house, and now that we've moved to another place, quite far from where she is, that picture of hers may probably linger there until only God knows when. di sad pwede akong dagway magbandera diring dapita, lahi ra! hahahah
and of course, you can see some icons there that i'm sure everyone is familiar of. yes, the folders too, that include, among others, my "movie collection" and that one named ade, where I store photos I took of our little kiddo and other people. while that movies folder keeps copied movies from Video City-rented VCDs...to keep me from being penalized I store overnight movies here.
so that's it.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
The Color Game. If the ball stops at the number you're betting, your P1 becomes P16, your P2 makes you P32 richer, etc. The biggest bet allowed is P10. I like this particular game bec of the excitement and the premyo, if you get lucky, that is.
BINGO. I love this game so much. I don't know why.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Dear friend,
I thought we were over each other already. I even forgot your name. Last time you held me breathless, as in really breathless that you got my knees weakened too, was over five years ago (?). I hated you then, because you made me feel helpless, and you lingered as if torturing me was your only gameplan in life. Damn you!
Do you know that I cursed the day you came into my life? I never asked for you, I hope you know that! You know how much I love my freedom, the very thing that fuels my life, even with just me and myself. But you came, weakened me to the nth power, made my nights almost unbearable. I remember how I cried those many nights, when breathing was so difficult, like there was big hollowblock placed in my chest. But somehow I was able to get you off my system, and rid of you for five straight years without looking back. It was really great.
But what is this, are you back?!?? :(
I was on my way inside the office when I felt you presence. I know it's you, that unmistakable breathlessness feeling again. You caught me off guard today, really. That same breathing again, it's doubly difficult now, especially that I wasn't prepared. While I'm typing this, I can still hear your whispers racing along with the deafening poundings of my heart. Oh, bullshit! I hope I could just throw you out of this building! I really hope. Why torment me now, I'm still at work, and tonight is not just the right time. But of course, like before I will still fight you no matter what.
Ventolin still works on me, and yes, there's the nebulizer too! I know how much you hate that. :P
Breathlessly undevoted,
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
the camiguin adventure vol. 1

Day 1. Our first stop is the sto. niƱo cold spring...Enjoying the cold spring with fresh buko juice for P10 each. In the photo is he-who-must-not-be-named, V, and jOya. Entrance fee here is P30 per head, and you can swim till you drop. The only downside of this place is the food, bad taste and quite mahal.
Next stop is the Soda Swimming Pool. P20/head. And we stayed for like 15 mins? But it was a refreshing 15-min swim. I would have loved to stay in the "tubod" part, that's in the middle of the pool, it's therapeutic there--feeling lang nako.
Mga buta nag-outing. Still in Soda...We're in the kids' section now, nagpalandong.
Tan-aw ra mi doh!
Watching the lansones, and praying they'd fall on us.
Lansones for P15/kilo. Libre tilaw. Palit og 2 ka kilo, tilaw og taman sa ginahawa. :D

Exploring the sunken cemetry. I was really disappointed when all I saw while snorkeling was that cross there (that's in that small dark circle you're seeing) stuck in the middle of the rubbish or some stones. This is one of the very few things left intact after over a century of being exposed to the harshness of the sea, and of the humans (dynamite fishing is very evident here too). I journeyed for a while to satisfy my curiousity of the place, and all I saw was that, and a piece of concrete picture frame that, I was told, used to hang a photograph of the owner of the grave where it is placed. It is still standing there. I was really hoping to see more than just crypts being outgrown with corals and other marine lives, and scattered ruins of that blast over a century ago. I was expecting to see tombstones and to read from there names of the owners and what year they died. But that was a stupid hope, I learned. So pfft!
Day 2. At 5:40Am. To White Island. About 12 mins from Paras, and P400 to get there, and back.
Estarbaks, White Is. Instant coffe is P20, table is P50! Ggrrr...
Red sunset at White Is. Ningning moment ni nako!
Naggolf ang bading!
Vatski: Gurl, my feet are dumb...
jOya: okay, follow me. Vatski: Hmmm...like that?!??
...This is the entire island, small and beautiful. Minus anang mga nagpademure diha.
Wait! Lemme add this, there's also a drop-off in this part of the island, not that deep though, but enough to scare those who cannot langoy like these pips here. Lesgo!
After a quick stopover at the resort, a quick breakfast at Parola resto. so yummy and barato! :)
Katigbawasan Falls. P15/head. About 20 mins to get here, and we only stayed for 23 mins. 20 mins photo op, 3 mins swimming. Bec we were always on the go, and we had to travel at least 30 minutes to get to the port for our next stop, the Mantigue Is.
PS: Camiguin is a nice place, with lots of water everywhere, that people there don't actually turn off their water faucets, otherwise the facility would be damaged bec of the pressure. That's how blessed the place is. And if you want to spend a weekend there too, you can contact tour guide Roger through this number 09202306407. P1.8k for an 8-hour trip, or P3k for the two-day package. For hotel rates, please use google.com.