Sunday, April 30, 2006

what else!

Horror some more...

One Missed Call

Scary. Well, it’s horror. That is what I like Asian horror films. They almost always successfully scare the shit out of me. I was glad I watched it with my brother.

The plot: A group of young friends receives strange calls on their cell phones which come from their own numbers with their own voices. Every person who receives this call, a missed one that when played the owner’s voice will be heard, dies on the exact date registered on that missed call.
This is really creepy and spooky.
I just don’t understand the ending.

When A Stranger Calls

I watched it with a friend last Saturday with butter-flavored popcorn I accidentally washed with salt.

The movie is not that scary although there are some scenes that successfully make you jump from your seat, or at least make you scream.

The story: This high school student Jill Johnson (Camilla Belle) goes to a secluded house by the lake to babysit two kids while their parents are out partying.

And suddenly she receives strange calls from a sadistic stalker. I really don’t get it why she was chosen to be the next victim. It was not even explained why this stranger would want to kill anybody he wanted to. Just sadistic, mad man on the loose?

Whatever. At least the house, where everything happened in one night, was amazing.

Maypa The Wild to.

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