Tuesday, September 13, 2005

courtroom dramas, i mean hilarity

A few weeks back at a courtroom…

Prosecutor: what is your course?
Accused: Marine Transformation
Reporters: What?!!!! Unsa kono?
Court Interpreter: (as if she heard us) Marine Transformation?
Accused: (nodding)
Charlotte of Bombo Radyo: Feeling spiderman!
Me: Remus Lupin oi ( a character in Harry Potter series that transforms into a werewolf during full moon)
Jujemay: (shocked! And insisted we heard him wrong)
Me to Jujuemay: Hello! Every media person inside the courtroom was giggling except you (meaning we all heard the same answer, except her). By the way, this girl, who is from another local daily, had a crush on the accused.

This afternoon at the Office of the Prosecutor.

We (Jujemay and I) saw a handcuffed man carrying a rock (about the size of an adult head or bigger).

Me: Ah, I know why he’s carrying that rock?
Jujemay: (just shrugged, not entirely giving her full attention to me as she was still reminiscing her recent encounter with her another crush, this time a fiscal)
Me: It was what he used in killing the victim.

(Then a policeman arrived and asked a court employee where they should leave the evidence, he was pointing to the rock the handcuffed man just placed near a beam. I actually heard from another court employee a few minutes before we met the man that the accused of killing someone by pounding a rock unto his head was already arrested.)

Jujemay: (speechless and shocked by the sheer appearance of the thing that killed a mortal)
Me: (laughing at the scene)

Me: (on our way to our respective offices) Imagine if the man had used a much bigger rock (50 kg for example) in killing his victim! He could be in total misery carrying that rock even before he is convicted.

Jujemay: (still could not believe the scene)
Me: Well, he could always use a trolley.
Jujemay: (laughing)

Afterthought: Why did the police allow the accused to carry the evidence which would be used in prosecuting him?! To make us laugh I think.

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