Thursday, December 28, 2006

things to do (on or) before 2007

1. finish the yearend report. this is the most "exciting" part of our job. imagine that you have to make a single article of all the articles you've written the entire year. saonz! mag-blog nalang ko!
2. lose weight. i think that's a must. or i'll have to buy new pants, shirts, undies, and things that seem to have shrunk in the past weeks. wait, there's still New Year. so hopefully, immediately after that. anyway, i'm good at skipping meals (on regular days). good luck!
3. return all the borrowed books before the owners would come and sue me. but have to read them first. more time pleasssssssse...
4. save. save what's left in my account. i wish i could. darn, i'm such an ass in this department i think i should hire a financial consultant. ding! wake up!
5. sleep at least 10 hours straight. havent done that as an adult. bah! i miss it. i may have the ability to stay in bed for more than 10 hours, if i have that luxury of time, but you can never call that a solid rest. insomniac.
6. stay away from coke. i swear it's getting creepy already, i smell symptoms of diabetes in me, and it's not good. and i swear, doing it is a hard thing. it is! i will damn try.
7. play. everyone needs it. play with fire or whatever. dare me! killjoy.
8. learn to say "no." i will, definitely.
9. buy a digital SLR. yo! forget about item # 4. ghad, i would really worship anyone who could give me this thing. i wanna try photography next year.
10. shout. be angry. kill. i wish!
11. travel. yeah, travel outside the country. sana!
12. grow up. grow up! grow up!

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