Sunday, September 10, 2006

met Itchyworms last night

s'why im soo sleepy right now, can't think straight. i need rest. so why im working (and blogging) today, a sunday? coz i love torturing myself. self says i should kill my other self. not yet, i mean, not now while im still at work. after.


1:30pm --office, quick lunch with caecent
2:00 --Sto. Rosario Parish, attending a pre-jordan seminar.
i felt renewed!
3plus----back at the office, wrote two articles plus an entertainment column (bisdak)
5plus--- went out with Jen, got lost somewhere in Mango Ave lookin for Century Plaza. a year later, we found it.
6pm------snacks (Celest Int'l), it was not my intention jud. eat and run!
6plus-----Kartzone, book launch (Free Lane), did a quick interview with the author, we missed the real event e. was supposed to try carting but had to hop hop hop...
a little over 7pm--moving to Gaisano Countrymall, a two-kilo-book (that Free Lane copy given by the author) and some whatever bag in tow. muscle-toning time!
7plus-----GCM, inside Motorolla's Motovan looking at the display of cellphones and accessories. that Oakley shades with built-in (bluetooth) earpiece caught all my attention. but before i had the chance to put it in my bag, Itchyworms got in my way.
8pm------Formo, dinner with Moto pips, Itchyworms, Angela Calina (the event's host), etc. We were seated in front of the crazy Itchyworms members. A few minutes later, na-crazy napud mi ni Jen. Cool dudes!
9pm-----back at GCM, waiting for the concert to start.
10pm---concert kicked off, and so did my headache. but moto's official photog was really pretty, at least there was some reason to stay on. i fell in love with her. she's of chinese caliber, just couldn't help it. even asked my photog to take some shots of her. crazed by Itchyworms or from drinking punch and eating orange fruit's skin? or just plain craziness? dunno!
10plus--could no longer wait to see Updharmadown and Itchy perform, so I left. Good luck dude!
almost 12--logged off!

ug sa dihang...

The Itchyworms together with the itchyboys :P


jute said...

Mam, who the heck are the Itchyworms? And who is Jen? And what is Kartzone? And who was the author? Mam, you give so many details but so little info. My curiosity is piqued. :)

jute said...

That, or I probably should go out more. ^.^

Anonymous said...

im JEN jute :-) im the crazy OPM freak!!!!!! duuhh, im just an ordinary good looking ego of my dude liv who fell in love with the GODESS photographer of HELLO MOTO MOTO MOTO, tayo'y sumakay na sa buss!!!! SHUX LSS!!! ggrrr.. dude, i really had fun! pramis! thanks for coming with me, though namiya ka!!! huhuhuhu

jute said...



vatski said...

mam! sensya na kapoy gud suwat daghan info ipublish nya ni jen :P bitaw, articles aning mga butanga isuwat pa (or basin ipost nako diri, depende).


Kartzone-Mabolo. kanang pwede ka mag-gocart for P250.

itchyworms-banda na nga kalog ang mga myembro. wa sad gani ko kaila ana nila, gidad-an rako'g fact sheets ni jen, the rockerrr! pero migo nami nila ;)

Junep Ocampo-Fast Lane author.

jute said...

Aw yeah, kadungog na diay ko sa Kartzone. Mam, manganha ta diha. Sige na. Ig-birthday nimo. Mana amo midterms ana. :DDDDD

jute said...

Pre-Finals diay. Abnormal. XD

vatski said...

o ba! kkb lang ky dollar man ang rent, mapurdoy tag samot mopalit pa raba ko og bathtub XD